Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 30-33 New Year's Non-Resolution

Happy New Year everyone!   I pray you have a great new year and that this year will be very successful for you!  I know this year is going to be the best year of my life, I believe it because I know what God's promise is for my life. 

Anyway, I hope you didn't get caught up in making new year's resolutions.  I didn't. Making new year's resolution because they are pointless because if you desire to change your life, you will not wait until the beginning of a new year to change.  You would just change.  I am not an expert nor am I perfect.  I'm learning how to change my life at the moment a thought enters my mind.  It's not easy.  I'm 31 years old and I'm not exactly stuck in my ways but I don't like change.  Change isn't exactly good all the time especially when you can't see what the change will change.  This is why I don't like change.  You venture into the unknown and that's scary to me.  Even losing weight scares me because I have no idea what I will look like when I finally drop all this weight.  Yes, I was smaller before but not in my twenties and certainly not in my thirties. 

When I was younger, around fifteen, I started to put on a lot of weight.  Well, on several occasions, people, I have no clue who these people were, told me I look like Mrs. Piggy.  You see, my nose was shaped a little weird and I have fat cheeks. Well, when I was gaining weight, my cheeks would smash my nose like a hot dog inside a bun.  I've always been afraid to lose weight because of the unknown.  I don't want to look like that again.  Yes, I know that I'm all grown up and I probably won't look like Mrs. Piggy but I'm a little concerned.  I could always get a nose job lol.  Yeah right!

In this picture, I weighted around 220 and thought I was the boom!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to stop in and say hi! Keep up the good work! It's important that we all cheer each other on!
